Monday, November 18, 2013

Nervous.... Updated

So this is a second post in reference to the lesson I taught for one of my other grad classes. In this post I will talk about the digital tools and literacy I used to finally get this blog a little more on point. If you hadn't checked out the previous blog, basically I was both ecstatic and terrified that for 42 glorious minute I was going to be a teacher again. I was tasked with teacher a grammar lesson and recording myself for feedback. I was able to secure some time back up in Indiana where I went to IUP and where I did my student teaching at the local junior high. It was a wonderful experience to get to see my old cooperating teacher.

So first the lesson and the digital aspects. The classroom had a smart board that I was very well acquainted with from my time there. I was using a Prezi presentation; for those of you who do not know Prezi makes Power Point look like an overhead projector. It is free, web based so you can create them anywhere, and incredibly user friendly. If you've never used one I definitely recommend making one some time they can be endlessly entertaining and engaging.

Within my presentation, I was teaching a basic introduction to Points of View, I used various youtube clips that I had embedded into the prezi to introduce the various viewpoints. For example those funny slippery slope Direct TV commercials to illustrate second person.

Continuing on I used several movie trailers to further illustrate how point of view can be used in cinema (thanks Kist!) and other forms of media.That was about the extent of the digital aspects of my lesson. Not incredibly complicated but it worked for my purposes.

On an emotional note, I wont lie I was nervous right up until the very second I started teaching. I mean the situation was less then ideal. I didn't know this kids at all, I hadn't been in front of students since last January when I started grad school full time, and I was basically invading their classroom for my project. I can proudly say however that at least for me teaching is like riding a bike. The second I started talking and the hands started raising to answer my questions I felt right at home. I got a chance to chat with my coop, who knows about my struggles to find a job and how long it has been, and she told me "You look like you've been their teacher from day one."

So I have something to share with you all if your so inclined. It is a cut up ten minute version of my lesson. Just in case you wanted to see the man behind the whiny give me a job blog.

*For anyone concerned I have video releases from all the students and only people who physically have this link can see the video, so beyond my classmates here I doubt anyone will see it. I will remove the video embed in a few weeks once the class is over just to be cautious*

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